
Christian worldview essay


Worldview essay is an essay written on the basis of your personal opinion and the way you percept the world. Every person in the world has a worldview, which is unique and differs from others significantly. You will hardly find two people with similar worldview, as all the people have different imagination and percept the world in different ways. Let’s imagine that you are supposed to write essays on the Christian worldview Andrew Schatkin or any other personal worldview essay.

First of all, you have to determine your attitude towards Christianity and its aspects. You need to determine, whether you accept all the concepts of Christianity and the way you treat them. You need to express your feelings and thoughts, describe your attitude and the things you have noticed and would like to share with your reader.

Your next step is to find out some information about Andrew Schatkin. Thanks to his biography, you will have an idea about the person he is and the reason why he has such an opinion towards the issues of Christianity. After that, you need to look through the main concepts of his theory and make your own conclusion as for this or that factor. When you have your own opinion, based on some knowledge, it will be easier for you to write worldview essays. The main thing here is to be able to express your thoughts on the paper.

In most cases, according to Wikipedia, your worldview is based on the main principles and contradictions of life: good and bad, right and wrong, etc. Christianity tries to explain a set of principles and beliefs, which form our worldview. For example, it says that God has created us and the Universe as a whole. When listening or reading this concept, a unique impression appears in your head and you can see a picture of how you understand this concept.

For example, another concept of Christianity is that the Bible is a representation of God’s word. What do you understand under this concept? It is obvious that you do not percept it literally. You understand that Bible is a book, in which the history of mankind is described, together with postulates and laws of life. That is how your worldview is being formulated.

We should remember that each of us has his own imagination and the right to have his own opinion. That is why, the worldview of each of us is unique. Do not be afraid to share your thoughts, because they may appear to be really precious!

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