
Personal Identity Essay


Either it is personal ethics essay or personal experience essay, you should mention and clarify the meaning of the notion “personality”, according to Wikipedia. People often think and talk about what personal identity or simply personality is. It is always interesting and always exciting, because we are all humans and live among the people. Yes, we all have different professions, occupations and positions, and we all perform unequal task. However, whoever we are, we are personalities in the first place, and only then the carriers of a certain public function. So what is personality and what are its peculiarities?

To be a person means to retain the ability to orient in a variety of situations and knowledge, as well as to bear responsibility for your choice. The richer the  world, the more complex are life situations and the more urgent is the problem of the freedom to choose your own position in life. Only remaining a personality, a man can save his uniqueness and to be himself under the most difficult circumstances.

Only the one who constantly learns to orient in life feels free and at ease in modern life. The man has a huge potential for the perception of cultural and spiritual values ​​and for his own self-improvement. To become personality, everyone should constantly develop and be engaged in self education. Everybody knows it  and tries to understand himself and his inner world.

We are trying to compare ourselves to others, to correlate our personal life with the public, our interest to the world with an interest to ourselves, to answer the most important questions: What am I? How and why do I live? Each person should educate himself. No one will come and not abolish it malevolence, envy, hypocrisy, greed, fear of responsibility, dishonesty.

The main thing in spiritual culture of the individual can be considered active, creative attitude to life: nature, society, other people. We must know that human culture must not be reduced only to the education, erudition, even despite the fact that it is very important. Anything can happen in our life. We can’t just turn a blind eye to its difficulties, trials, hardships. Each of us has times when he is disappointed, suffering, loses faith in himself, tormented by remorse, feels guilty and offended for no reason. However, we must learn to overcome the pain of resentment and injustice and make a lesson from the experienced. All these things are so important, because they are forming personality. An each of us unique and special in his own way.

Do not forget about core values, It is very important to be strict to yourself, dedicated to your job, adherent to your duties, loyal, friendly, as well as to be able to confront evil and be respectful towards elders. To become a personality, everyone needs to peer closely at himself and at his life. It is important to cultivate the unity of word and deed, and do not forget that every situation brings you life experience: either good or bad.

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