
The Tastiest Exotic Fruits Of The World


Only the most timid traveler, being in an exotic country, will refuse to try some unfamiliar fruit. Accustomed to apples and oranges, tourists can hardly force themselves to take a bite of mangosteen, durian or mango. Meanwhile, this gastronomic revelation may become one of the most vivid impressions of the total travel.

Below is the top 15 list of the exotic fruits from different countries.

1. Durian. This fruit has an irregular oval shape, with a very sharp spines. Under the skin you can find a sticky flesh with a unique taste. The "king of fruits" has a sharp smell of ammonium. Because of such a strong smell, durian is forbidden to be transported on airplanes and to be brought into the hotel rooms, as evidenced by the appropriate posters and signs at the entrance. The most fragrant and the most exotic fruit in Thailand is very rich in vitamins and nutrients.

 Several rules for those who want to taste durian:

Do not try to choose fruit on your own, especially in the off-season.

Lightly press the flesh. It must be elastic, like butter. Elastic flesh already has an unpleasant smells.

It is undesirable to combine durian with alcohol as its pulp acts as a stimulant on the body of great strength.

Where to try: Thailand, Philippines, Vietnam, Malaysia, Cambodia. Season: April to September, depending on the region.

2. Mango. One of the most popular fruits in all tropical countries. Fruits are large, egg-shaped, elongated or spherical. The flesh is yellow and orange, juicy, sweet. The smell of the mango reminds of apricot, rose, melon, lemon. Immature green fruits are also consumed – you can eat them with salt and pepper. Clean fruit with a sharp handy knife.

Where to try: India, Thailand, Indonesia, Myanmar, Vietnam, China, Pakistan, Mexico, Brazil, Cuba. Season: all year round.

3. Papaya. A large fruit with yellow-green skin. These cylindrical exotic fruits reach 20 centimeters in length. The taste is a cross between a melon and pumpkin. Mature papaya has a bright orange unusually soft pulp, which is good to eat and which aids in digestion process.

Where to try: India, Thailand, Sri Lanka, Bali, Indonesia, the Philippines, Mexico, Brazil, Colombia. Season: all year round.

4. Rambutan. It is one of the most famous tropical fruits, which is characterized by "increased hairiness." Under a pile of red-skinned hides there is a translucent white flesh with a sweet taste. To get to it, you need to "twist" in the middle of the fruit. The fruits are eaten fresh or canned with sugar. Raw seeds are toxic, harmless and fried. When selecting, you should be guided by color: the pinker the better.

Where to try: Malaysia, Thailand, Indonesia, Philippines, India, part of Colombia, Ecuador, Cuba. Season: from mid-April to mid-October.

5. Pomelo. This fruit has very many names. It is a citrus fruit which looks like a huge grapefruit with white, pink or yellow flesh, which, however, is much sweeter. It is widely spread in cookery and cosmetics. Smell is the best reference point when purchasing: the stronger it is, the more concentrated, rich and fresh taste will have the pomelo.

Where to try: Malaysia, China, Japan, Vietnam, India, Indonesia, Tahiti, Israel, USA. Season: all year round.

6. Guava. Other names - guyava, guavas. Round, oblong or pear-shaped fruit (from 4 to 15 cm) with white flesh and yellow hard seeds. Edible from the skin to the bones. When ripe, the fruit turns yellow, and eaten with the skin - to improve digestion and stimulate the heart. Immature one is eaten like a green mango, sprinkled with spices and salt.

Where to try: Indonesia, Thailand, Vietnam, Malaysia, Egypt, Tunisia. Season: all year round.

7. Ackee. Is a pear-shaped fruit with a reddish-yellow or orange peel. When fully ripe, the fruit bursts and creamy pulp comes out with large glossy seeds. This is the most dangerous exotic fruit in the world: immature (unopened) – it is a strongly poisonous fruit of the high content of toxins. Eating them is possible only after special processing such as extended boiling. The taste is like a walnut. In West Africa, unripe peel is used for making soap, and the pulp is used for fishing.

Where to try: the United States (Hawaii), Jamaica, Brazil, Venezuela, Colombia, Ecuador, Australia. Season: January to March and from June to August.

8. Tamarind belongs to the family of legumes, but it is consumed as a fruit. Curved fruits up to 15 cm with brown skin and sweet-sour pulp. It is used as a spice, it is a component of the famous Worcestershire sauce, and is used for the preparation of snacks, desserts and various beverages. From the dried ripe tamarind sweets are also prepared. As a souvenir, tourists usually take home meat sauces and syrups for cocktails based on tamarind.

Where to try: Thailand, Australia, Sudan, Cameroon, Oman, Colombia, Venezuela, Panama. Season: from October to February.

9. Miracle fruit. Other names - wonderful berries, sweetish puteriya. The name of this exotic fruit corresponds to itself. The taste of the fruit itself does not stand out, but the whole hour after eating something, everything will seem sweet for you.

Where to try: Western Africa, Puerto Rico, Taiwan, Japan, Australia, USA (South Florida). Season: all year round.

 10. Marula. Fresh marula is found only on the African continent, and it is because the ripe fruit begins to wander within days. It turns out this low-alcohol drink. Ripe yellow fruits reminiscent of plums in appearance. The flesh is white, with solid bone. It has a pleasant aroma and a savory taste.

Where to try: South Africa (Mauritius, Madagascar, Zimbabwe, Botswana, and others). Season: from March.

 11. Kumquat. Other names - Japanese orange, golden apple. The fruits are small, like mini oranges, but the crust is very thin. They are edible whole, excluding seeds. The taste reminds of a little sour orange, but smells like lime.

Where to try: China, Japan, Southeast Asia, the Middle East, Greece (Corfu), United States (Florida). Season: from May to June, on sale all year round.

 12. Pepino Dulce. Also- sweet cucumber, melon pear. Formally, this is a berry, though very large. The fruits are diverse, there are different sizes, shapes and colors, some are bright yellow in color with red or purple strokes. The flesh tastes like melon, pumpkin and cucumber.

Where to try: Peru, Chile, New Zealand, Turkey, Egypt, Cyprus, Indonesia. Season: all year round.

13. Soursop. It is one of the biggest tropical fruits on the planet: the fruit can weigh up to 7 kilograms. The fruits are of oval or heart-shaped form, tough rind, covered with soft spines. The flesh is creamy white. It tastes like the lemonade, with a pleasant acidity. Used for preparation of cocktails, juice, puree, sorbet and ice cream. Black seeds are poisonous.

Where to try: Bermuda, the Bahamas, Mexico, Peru, Argentina.

14. Curuba. Immature fruits of green color clearly reminiscent of cucumber, but only larger. When ripe, they become bright yellow. The orange-brown flesh is sour, aromatic, with small seeds. Curuba is an excellent thirst quencher. Juices, jams, jelly, wines, salads are made from the pulp.

Where to try: Bolivia, Colombia, Uruguay, Argentina, Ecuador, Peru, India, New Zealand. Season: all year round, in India and New Zealand from March to November.

15. Sugar apple. Is a very useful pale green fruit. Behind the bumpy swamp-green skin there hides a sweet fragrant flesh and bone of the size of a bean. The aroma is of faint notes of pine. Ripe fruit is moderately soft to the touch, immature one is hard, while ripe falls apart in your hands. It serves as the basis for the Thai ice cream.

Where to try: Thailand, Philippines, Vietnam, Indonesia, Australia, China. Season: June to September.

As far as you can see, the number of fruits in our world is numerous and we should definitely try at least some of them in our life!

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