
Conflict resolution essay


Conflict essay can be really difficult to write, especially if you have an assignment on writing personal conflict essay. You need to know a lot of details, as well as psychological factors which are forming the notion of conflict. Conflict essay can be written in a several different ways: you can either describe the facts from your personal experience, or from experience of others. You can also write an essay about the theory or practice of the conflict. As you see, there are many ways of conflict essay writing. You just need to choose the one, which is the most suitable for you.

So, what does the term “conflict” actually mean? This concept is usually used to define the disagreement between people, which lies in difference in opinions, principles and beliefs. It is quite a natural phenomenon, and it is an integral part of social life, because opinions and tastes differ and people are inclined to conflict with each other on the basis of disagreements. Every day we are experiencing conflict, either consciously or unconsciously. It may be our inner conflict, or conflict with society, or even a family member.

There exist 4 types of conflict:

  1. Intrapersonal conflict – it is the inner conflict of the person, the struggle which exists in his mind and thoughts. This type of conflict can be rather difficult for you to handle, as it depends on you only. The example of the interpersonal conflict can be found in your problem of choosing your future career, the problem of choice. However, you can find a resolution by making the decision and accepting it.

  2. Interpersonal conflict usually takes part between two people. This type of conflict is usually provoked by the fact that all people are different and they have different opinions. Thus, in some cases conflict is inevitable. For example, two people have two different opinions about the politics, and they can have a conflict on the basis of such a disagreement.

  3. Intragroup conflict is a conflict among the members of a group. Such type of conflict may occur within any family, because of any disagreements.

  4. Intergroup conflict is a type of conflict, in which two groups of people are involved. For example, intergroup conflict may arise between two families or two companies.

It is generally believed that conflict presupposes violence and aggression, that is why conflict resolution becomes a necessity. There exists some conflicts that are difficult to resolve, but is recommended to reach consensus, in order to avoid the consequences of the severe conflict. Conflict resolution is also an important way to understanding and ability to negotiate. We should always try to avoid aggression and violence in the conflict, as it will never lead to anything good. We shouldn’t consider conflict to be a problem. It should be considered as a way to reach solution. Only if we perceive this phenomenon in a positive way, we will be able to solve any issue with dignity.

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