
Honesty Definition Essay


Essay on honesty or honesty and integrity essay is a paper written about a very important topic in life of every person. Honesty is a concept that can affect our lives in various ways. Our parents teach us to be honest form our early childhood, trying to put the understanding of this concept in our minds. Being honest means to be human and not to commit acts for which you will be ashamed and which you will have to hide, because the truth, sooner or later, will come out. Bad deeds often entail lies, deceit, cowardice and fear of being exposed. Therefore, an honest person always tries to act in such a way, in order not to be ashamed and not to have something to hide or lie about. He respects and appreciates the care and labor of parents, as he knows how to work.

It is not always easy to tell the truth, especially when it comes to ugly deeds. However, when you are deceiving your close person, you are putting a heavy stone inside of your soul, which keeps on pulling and pulling, because you are afraid that the truth will be disclosed. The worst thing is that he can learn the truth accidentally, from a stranger, which is even more unpleasant. To deceive means to be afraid. Deception breeds fear.

Being honest and fair person, you will gain more respect and understanding. Honesty is often being associated with the word purity. For example, you're not lying, it means that you are clean, as honesty fills us with sincerity and openness. Honest people can be rely on and trusted to, as you can open them your secrets, knowing that this person will never tell anyone about the things you trusted him. These people usually keep their word and command respect of others.

Sometimes there are cases when honesty and truth can hurt a person. People can be very straightforward and hurt someone with their words. In such cases the truth, of course, should be told, but softly and gently, in order not to offend other people.

Most people lie in order to look better than they actually are, or because they are embarrassed of their favorite activities and hobbies. The most important advantage of honest people is that they can be themselves. These people know how to enjoy good fortune of their friends and loved ones, they do not envy, and do not betray. Others can trust them and they are respected. They do not dump the blame on others and are able to admit if they did something wrong, they always keep their promises, and can stand up for themselves.

It is always difficult to cultivate some positive qualities, but we should do it for our whole life. A person, who doesn’t lie to others is honest to himself. It is very important to know that people respect you, trust you and rely on you. These ordinary things can make you truly happy.

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