
Career Goals Essay


Essay on career goals is a very fascinating paper. However, it is quite difficult to complete really good career goal essay without proper understanding of what are the career goals and career growth.

Career growth: what is it?

Career growth is, above all, the process of development. Probably, each of us knows a feeling that, in your place, it can not be realized completely, that you are stuck.

However, career management is not the expectation of mercy from superiors; it is a clear awareness of the desired result and planning of actions to achieve it. Proceeding from this, it can be concluded that a career is a result of the cooperation of a specialist with sufficient potential and goals, and an employer, ready to provide opportunities for realizing these goals.

Career Goals: Why do people want to make a career?

Career growth does not attract all hired employees: someone is clearly positioning himself as a careerist, while someone is quite satisfied with the current position, the range of tasks and the level of compensation. The goals of career growth are individual for everyone: someone strives to realize his personal ambitions, while another person wants to improve his social status, someone is interested only in the material side of the issue, while another person needs everything together.

The style and goals of career growth are individual, but nevertheless it is possible to highlight some gender trends. So, men, in the majority, prefer to build career based on ascending progress on a hierarchical career ladder. The career goal in this case is the opportunity to take a managerial position.

Women often do not initially plan to take a leadership position, but tend to develop and improve their skills, rather than managerial ones, but in the end, they easily climb up the ladder.

Factors of career growth: allies and opponents

The fundamental factor of advancement on a career ladder - presence of corresponding qualitative education. In some professions, vertical career growth without a diploma of higher education is simply impossible (for example, an accountant will never become a chief accountant without an appropriate diploma), but in others it is very difficult. Higher education is not only a guarantee of the required minimum of knowledge, but also a certain point of contact with colleagues and superiors. So, if you studied at the same university with a potential boss, then your chances of getting a job offer will be slightly higher, if only the employer will have an idea of ​​the quality of the knowledge you have gained. In the future, this can be a starting point in establishing relations with colleagues: most people remember their Alma mater with warmth, and all graduates are subconsciously perceived as friends.

The next significant factor affecting the possibility of career growth is working capacity. However, one should be careful here - "round-the-clock" work can force the employer to think that you can not cope with your duties for a working day or simply do not know how to plan the workload. Who wants to promote such a specialist?

The willingness to constantly learn and improve your professional skills is another factor of career growth. Business does not stand still, competition intensifies, and only professionals capable of better than others, helping companies earn more profits, retain or win new positions in the market, receive promotion. As a rule, company executives understand that the benefits brought by such an employee are high, and the material and time costs incurred by the company, if this employee does not receive career and material growth, will also be high. Try to become the key employee, the owner of a unique professional competence, and career growth will be guaranteed. Our custom writing services for you!

Among the factors that have a negative impact on career growth, it is possible to note ingratiation in front of the authorities, as well as intrigue and dissolving gossip.

First, such people spoil the psychological situation in the team, while sometimes, companies spend quite a lot of money to form it, and secondly, they make us doubt in the effectiveness of their work: if the employees have time to weave intrigues, then they definitely underwork. We will not even talk about such factors as non-professionalism, non-punctuality, non-requisitiveness, low efficiency and unwillingness to develop - they are rather not an obstacles to career growth, but arguments in favor of dismissal from the position. and gathered the most interesting information for you!

Career development plan: to act independently or to rely on the company

As already mentioned above, a career is always a product of cooperation between an employee and an employer company. For large and often medium-sized companies interested in professional staff, planning and career development of employees is as much a part of the company's development plan as, for example, the search for new niches. In some companies, more often consulting and advertising agencies, law firms and IT companies, there are typical career development plans for the staff. When certain performance indicators are reached, after a certain time, career growth occurs automatically. In other companies, there are no standardized career development plans and staff development, but they are tailor-made for each promising specialist.

If the company you work in is neither the first nor the second one, but you are certain that there are opportunities for career growth in it, do not be afraid to take the first step and discuss prospects with your head or head of the HR department. Therefore, you demonstrate not only an interest in long-term cooperation with the company, but also prove to be an enterprising specialist.Place your order right now!

In any case, the basis of career growth is a purely individual plan, which each careerist makes for himself and adjusts according to the situation. Who knows your possibilities and ambitions better than you? Build your career plan in accordance with your potential and goals and consider the employer as a partner in achieving these goals, not a barrier or an opponent.

The most common misconception about career growth is the belief that career development is possible only in a vertical direction. Most of us represent a career as a kind of ladder, where progressively increasing positions are the steps. Meanwhile, career growth is also possible horizontally, which means improving skills without changing positions.

Usually career development in the horizontal direction means the transition to related professional areas to similar positions, while the level of income can both persist and increase. For example, a marketing employee can go to a sales department or a partner department, thus expanding the scope of his professional knowledge and skills. This "horizontal" development can become a stage of vertical growth: having learned all the features of the work of adjacent departments, such a specialist can be headed by either one of them, or a department combining these functions, but already in another company.

Vertical advancement on a career ladder is possible both inside the organization, and in other company of the given branch. Many careerists prefer the second path precisely because the transition to a new job allows you to get a higher revenue growth than is possible in the current company.

However, it is worthwhile to soberly assess your managerial knowledge and skills: if you can and want and bear the burden of responsibility for the team, then vertical growth is for you.

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