
Emergency diet. How to lose weight in a few days


It is quite possible to rid from extra kilos if to excrete the excess fluid from your body. You should not keep to a diet or to sweat to the point of exhaustion in the gym. and collected the list of the ways to lose weight fast!

The first important rule is to provide your body with the maximum comfort zone and minimum stress - eating, drinking, motor, temperature. Do not artificially limit yourself in food and calories (of course, you should not overeat the products with refined sugar and hydrogenated fats - altered vegetable fats such as margarine). When food is not enough, the body will begin to stock it up in the case of even more difficult times, reducing metabolic rate, which will lead to the opposite result - weight gain. Focus on protein foods on the menu, as it is prescribed in many diets is too stressful for the body. One should not force himself to eat in the winter as many fresh fruits and vegetables (widespread advice). From the viewpoint of oriental medicine, fresh cucumbers, tomatoes, bell peppers, tropical fruits, fresh juices, liquid dairy products are considered to be excessively "cold" food (they have enough renewable energy), so a lot of energy goes into digesting it. Because of this people are sleepy and physical activity reduces, which is absolutely wrong. Fans of beet, which, from the viewpoint of oriental medicine, refers to products, promoting retention in the body "of mucus and phlegm," should be consumed with either garlic or herbs.

Inexpensive and useful. The rules of healthy eating

 To lose weight it is important to maintain good metabolic rate in the most physiological way. Therefore, no additional minutes in the gym, which are taking away the blood and energy from the vital organs. Move more in the fresh air - for normal oxidation reactions oxygen is needed. Add the "hot" spices and herbs, onions, garlic into your dishes. For the normal course of enzymatic reactions in the body, do not forget about whole grains, nuts, seeds, animal products. Do not hesitate even to use butter and lard!

Instead of the gym

How to ensure a flourishing appearance and shiny eyes?

Our face reflects our inner state. If it is pale gray-green, it means that the body suffers from the lack of oxygen, blood and energy in a variety of systems, including cardiovascular system. In the morning we should do some morning exercises to wake up our body. Even simple exercises and breathing techniques will help you to fill yourself with energy.


In the morning, replace milk porridge with porridge, cooked in water (possible with raisins) with butter. Accompany your breakfast with boiled egg (can be two) and a cup of coffee. Instead of coffee, you can drink a cup of tea with fresh ginger, lemon, cinnamon, nutmeg, which will improve your energy balance. Also, you can add a few mint leaves.


Instead of fresh fruits, eat baked apples, generously flavored with cinnamon.


Before the dinner you should drink a glass of hot green or black tea with the addition of thyme, pepper or other herbs. This tea will warm up and prepare the digestive system to the food intake.

Warm salad of prawns and aubergines frit with tartar sauce instead of cold salads - warm or hot - with pepper, fresh or dried herbs. For example, a warm salad of arugula and chicken liver with walnuts and herbs. As the main course - soup on a meat broth. Meat on the bone cooked for at least 2 hours with herbs and spices.

The second course can consist in boiled or cooked non-starchy vegetables (broccoli, asparagus, pumpkin, etc...) in the oven or on the grill.

Afternoon snack

Fruit salad with "warming" spices and honey. It can be accompanied with a cup of hot chocolate or sweet oriental coffee with cinnamon and cardamom.


Steam chop (meat, fish, vegetables) with a side dish, cereal or cottage cheese and vegetable casserole.

At night

 The warm gruel on the water (you can cook it with pumpkin), a bit of sugar with honey or banana. Herbal tea of linden blossom, mint leaves, marjoram (for women) and lemon balm with a teaspoon of honey is light to help get rid of negative thoughts and achieve inner harmony.

The principles of healthy eating

It is important to understand that one and the same menu may not be ideal for everyone: some people, for example, do not like yogurt or zucchini, while others, may have some problems with the stomach. Such people, first of all should follow the diet prescribed by a doctor. However, there are universal recommendations that form the basis of proper nutrition and a healthy lifestyle in general:

1. The base of the diet should be made by fruits and vegetables. They contain a lot of fiber, vitamins and minerals.

2. Drink more. If a drinks uses little water, the skin begins to fade and wither. Make it a habit to drink at least eight glasses of water a day, which is about two liters. Also, it is necessary to give up soft drinks. Prefer mineral water, green tea, fruit drinks, juices.

3. Avoid fast carbohydrates, which include flour products, sweets, potatoes and others. But nothing terrible will happen if once a week you afford something delicious. By the way, dark chocolate will greatly improve your mood.

4. Make it a rule to eat porridge for breakfast: oatmeal with fruit, rice or buckwheat. Porridge is a valuable source of vitamins, minerals and fiber.

5. Replace the "harmful" products with useful ones. For example, sugar to honey, fat pork to veal, sunflower oil to olive oil, sour cream to a low-fat yogurt.

Some more useful tips

1. Avoid alcoholic beverages, especially sugary liqueurs and beer, because they are fairly high in calories.

2. Reduce portions. To do this, it suffices to replace the standard plate on a more modest.

3. Enjoy your nutrition: add to the unusual diet for you dietary products, try new combinations.

4. Try to avoid stress, because there are the nerves that overload us and often cause that a person begins to eat a lot. Walk in the fresh air, listen to nice music, meet your friends.

5. Be physically active. Engage in dance, fitness, swimming, anything that allows you to keep your body in shape and help you to become slim and beautiful even faster.

One of the major errors of slimming people is the desire to achieve the weight that you had twenty years ago. Put the real goal! Even if you manage to achieve such a result, "the weight of youth" will not hold for a long time. This means meager menu, hunger pangs, a permanent account of each eaten... life turns into hell! Sooner or later you will become tired of everything and gain weight again.

It is necessary to loose weight wisely. When a man is able to achieve the weight close to the norm and in which he feels himself comfortable, he has to calm down, look around, give himself a break. It is also worth considering that there are no ideal weight calculation formulas: we all have different bodies, a different ratio of muscle and adipose tissue, different bone density, etc. In short, do not get hung up on the numbers - they are not the truth!

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