Everyone knows that stress is the cause of a number of physical and psychological illnesses. However, it is not so simple. Sometimes stress may even be useful!
What are the advantages and disadvantages?
The science divides stress into two types: eustress and distress. The first type is respectively negative, while the second one is positive. This difference is best seen in the simple example. Is divorce stressful? Of course, it is one of the hardest psychological situations. What about a wedding? Well, no, of course, as it brings the joy and happiness! Moreover, it turns out, that this event is also a stress, but with positive aspects.
Theoretically, any stress has the same nature. When exposed to stressful situations, the body stiffens and includes its protective and adaptive mechanisms. So, on the "good" and "bad" stress, in terms of physiology, we react almost equally. Although there is a difference - at least in two things. Firstly, in the emotional "accompanying" of this or that experience, and secondly, in its duration and intensity.
"Happy" heart attack
Since the positive stress is beneficial to the body, it is desirable to learn to create own events that can lead to a "good" shake. Of course, constantly arrange weddings and birthdays unrealistic, but there are other ways to get "good" stress.
For example, the process of studying is related to such nerves. After all, learning is always somewhat stressful, but it gives the body and the brain a huge positive charge in the first place.
Another useful stress – is physical training. Change sports, do not dwell on something one. Dilute gymnastics with Spanish dances, and swimming pool with gym. The body is under stress from new and unusual movements, but gradually learns to adapt.
Demonstrate curiosity about everything around. Try all the unknown to get unusual emotions. Even if you do not like the taste of exotic fruit, this stress will still be positive.
The main thing - do not overdo it. History knows many examples when people said goodbye to life because of the very good experiences: a long-awaited child was born, achieved career step, won the favorite sports team. It is in the moment of greatest happiness, when the body may fail. Why?
Skywritingservice.com and https://www.psychologytoday.com collected the most interesting facts for you.
"Oxen", "rabbits" and "lions"
People are divided into three groups depending on the response to stress:
"Oxen" - those who are able to eke out their "yoke" for a long time, to tolerate and adapt. That is, to live in stress, adapting to it, but without trying to defend yourself.
"Rabbits" - people with the acute stress response. They can be licked and unsettled even by the trifling trouble.
"Lions" - they stress as if necessary, it is only in such circumstances, they implement their best qualities.
Everything goes from the nerves. What diseases arise from stress and how dangerous are they? It may seem that the "lion's" response to stress is the most profitable. However, we all are different. Kinds of stress are also different. Therefore, it is optimally when we are able to react as a "lion," and as the "Rabbit", and as an "ox", depending on what is happening.
It is not too difficult. The main thing is to honestly answer the two questions. First - what can I do about it? And the second - how long will this situation occur? If it is a short-term stress and you are not dependent on anything, you should not do anything. If you have some options - be like "a lion" and fight. Scientists say that even in the most dire situations, people, set up to fight and win, may come out of the situation as winners.
If you realize that a stressful situation can last for a long time, the best thing you may think that you should behave like an "ox". However, it is not the right tactic. After all, the "oxen" is most often broken for no reason, or get a heart attack from happiness. This is because prolonged stress and unspoken emotions cause the heaviest defeat of the psyche and physics. Everything accumulates, and then the body simply fails. So, if you see no end of such situation, react to it in all possible ways. Where possible - fight, where it is useless - weep where both inappropriate - just suffer and go your way. Under such regular switching stress you will not win.
What kinds of stresses exist?
The stress of moderate intensity and duration is useful (and even necessary) for the normal functioning of the body. Stress prepares the body for the change of the situation, makes it possible to better adapt to it. The stress is constantly going on training physical and mental strength. In this regard, a happy event: a wedding, a victory in the competition, the birth of a child - or, by contrast, separation, failure in examinations, strained relationships with colleagues, dismissal from work, can mobilize internal resources, to strengthen the body, to make it stronger, and when it comes to a positive stress. Such a favorable stress is called eustress.
Those events can deplete domestic resources, undermine the health, cause dysfunction of any of the systems of the body and lead to various diseases and even death. In this situation, we should speak correctly about the negative stress or distress. Place an order right now and get writing help!
What are the signs that you are in a negative stress?
Here they are:
fatigue and frequent errors in the work;
lack of satisfaction with the work done;
inability to concentrate;
loss of a sense of humor;
poor sleep with nightmares and daytime sleepiness;
overwhelming anxiety;
frequent palpitations;
dizzy spells;
headache, neck pain, lower back;
skin rashes.
If you have any of these symptoms, do not wait until the stress goes into a disease, you must be active.
Life without stress is impossible. Every day we experience situations that somehow influence our body. We have to remember that long stress can lead to serious consequences, that is why it is extremely important to know how to get rid of stress. There are special exercises, which you should perform daily, in order to restore normal mental and physical conditions. Best services for you here!
Take at least 5 minutes a day to relax and concentrated on your dreams. Imagine yourself in your favorite place, swimming in the pool, walking in the garden. It will help you to distract your brain from the stressful situation you appeared in.
Take a walk, at least for 5 minutes, and think about something that makes you happy.
Breathe. Correct breathing is extremely important when it comes to stress. Breathe deeply and try to calm yourself down.
Make a couple of physical exercises during the day. It will help to make your body toned and to distract you from constant stress.
Massage your neck. It will improve blood flow and relax your body a bit.
As you see, stress can be useful and harmful at the same time. Our life is not that easy, that is why we can’t be sure that all our life will be full of positive stress. It will also have negative stress and we should always be ready for it.
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